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Tuesday, April 25, 2023

A to Z – 2023 – U is for Untitled

I am really glad that they didn’t come up with a name for this installation in the Illuminate SF gallery otherwise I might have had a problem finding an exhibit for the letter “U.”

When I was driving my son to work in SF every day a couple years ago we drove up Van Ness Avenue and they were doing some major construction. This is part of what they were working on. It is called Untitled and it was designed by Jorge Pardo in 2022.

There are two sets of sculptures with 13 lighted spheres soaring as high as 21 feet at the highest point. They are located between Geary and O’Farrell Streets at the Muni stop. To me they look like giant lollipops.

Best Viewing: After dark on Van Ness Avenue between Geary and O’Farrell. The lights go on 20 minutes before sunset and go off 20 minutes before sunrise.

Sort of short today. See you tomorrow with “V.”

from WordPress


  1. Hi, Janet!

    Happy "U" day, dear friend!

    I represent The Lollipop Guild, The Lollipop Guild, The Lollipop Guild, and I would feel right at home on Van Ness Ave. where these giant lollipop like sculptures are found. Ever since childhood, I have favored spheres over squares and rectangles, and the varied shapes, sizes and colors of these spherical works of art delight me. I doubt I'd ever get tired of studying the display. Therefore, I would have to say that this Untitled installation is one of the favorites of the Illuminate series.

    Have a terrific Tuesday, dear friend Janet. I'll be back to see you tomorrow on "V" day!

    1. LOL Yes the Lollipop Guild! Perfect. And I think they are interesting whether they are lit or not. Thanks for keeping up with me, friend Shady!

  2. This is quite neat and, sorry, they look like sperm to me. I always feel my mind goes to the gutter

  3. I'm voting for alien seed pods. :)

  4. Not sure they're quite the right shape for sperm but alien seed pods works lol


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