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Monday, April 24, 2023

A to Z – 2023 – T is for Traxon Technologies who created the lighting sequence for the Coding

I have been attempting to show some of the interesting light shows in the Illuminate SF project for my A to Z this year. There are some that are inside San Francisco International Airport but you have to be flying somewhere to get past security to see them. I miss the old days when you could just meet someone at their gate or even just wander through the airport to see the different art displays they have. Oh well.

One of the installations is very visible and it’s right around the corner from where I live so it was not too hard to get the shots I needed. This is called Coding and it was designed by Johanna Grawunder in 2019. During the day it looks like this. The yellow tags point to North, East, West and South. The square and rectangle windows apparently spell out San Francisco in Morse code.

At night it looks like this. The undercarriages of the elevator shafts change color ever so slightly. It takes 24 hours to change so I only have this example. You can see some subtle differences.

This is at the long term parking facility and it definitely wasn’t busy when I was there. We had to go through the gate so I could get close enough to take the pictures but we weren’t there long enough to get charged thank goodness.

Best Viewing – SFO Long-Term Parking Garage, anytime after dusk.

And that’s that. See you tomorrow!

Side note: I don’t know about others but this year I am getting a lot of spam comments. Fortunately they are being caught by my spam finder but it is frustrating to think that there’s a creep on the A to Z!

from WordPress


  1. Hi, Janet!

    You're rounding the bend and heading into the home stretch in this year's A to Z, dear friend! Happy Monday and "T" day to you!

    Tampa International is one of the nicest airports in the country, and the SF Airport, located close to your home, also looks modern and user friendly. I am sure every visitor who gazes at Coding at night agrees that it is a dramatic display and a unique concept. I am in awe of artists and designers who can plan and execute projects on a grand scale. The last few photos in particular capture the full drama and beauty of the colorful lighting installation on the long term parking garage.

    I'm sorry you are encountering a flurry of spam. I hereby promise that I am not a robot. :) Thank you for another entertaining and educational essay. I'll be back to see you tomorrow for "U" day. In the meantime, I published a new post this morning and invite you over to see it when you get a chance. Have a wonderful week, dear friend Janet!

    1. This installation is away from the actual airport. There is hourly parking underneath the airport but this area is for long term and is about a half a mile away. We are lucky to live so close so we never have to worry about parking long-term. Thanks for the heads up about your post. I'll be right over.

  2. This is quite cool that it spells out the city in Morse code but at night it is just colorful.

  3. Interesting what you said about spam comments - I checked my comments on blogger and found over 200 in the spam folder - however many of them were genuine comments, including my own responses to many of them but there were some that were definitely spam.

    1. It is so frustrating to have your own comments go to spam, isn't it?


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