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Tuesday, April 4, 2023

A to Z – 2023 – C is for Caruso’s Dream

I am taking us through San Francisco again, this time looking for the light installations that are part of Illuminate SF which celebrated its 10th year this year. Honestly, I must live under a rock because I never heard of it before. While there is a specific time for the light festival, November to January, which I missed, there are some that have become permanent fixtures and I was able to put together my A to Z. Up next is Caruso’s Dream.

This was one of the most interesting of the light fixtures that I saw. Caruso’s Dream is a set of 13 “pianos” that are created from materials like vintage chicken-wire, glass and pilings from the old Transbay Terminal. It was designed by Brian Goggin and Dorka Keehn in 2014. It dangles from a residential high rise in the South of Market area and was inspired by the time Enrico Caruso was awakened by the great earthquake of 1906. He didn’t know if he was awake or dreaming when he went to the window and saw what was going on. I can imagine seeing things falling from the sky and flying around with all the shaking. Good thing these are held up with some pretty strong steel bars.

When I first pulled up I was afraid that they were all going to be dark but suddenly they started lighting up. I didn’t walk underneath it then, preferring to get my view from across the street. I was lucky enough to find a parking spot right away. You can see the blue hood of my car. Since I was alone this trip, I didn’t want to get too far away from it.

It was still pretty early in the evening when I saw it. I wanted to see if it was more impressive if it was darker out so I went back with my husband a few nights ago and was able to stand under it. I think it’s better when viewed from across the street to be honest.

Apparently if you turn the radio to 90.9 FM you can hear Caruso’s music but I was concentrating on getting pictures and didn’t think to set my radio up to that station. I could only hear the street traffic. Opera is not really my thing anyway.

Best Viewing: 55 Ninth Street. Across the street is better as far as I’m concerned but walking under it was okay too.

Okay we’re moving right along here. I am actually pretty set up for the whole A to Z Challenge this year, much more than in the past. I have all but one letter done!

Note to those reading on Blogger — I’m going to try and get over there as quick as I can to reduce the size of the photos which seem to increase as they move from WP to Blogger. Sorry if you are seeing them before I make the switch!

from WordPress


  1. Hi, Janet!

    Happy C" day, dear friend! Yessum, I agree this is a very interesting and beautiful display. I love the pictures and the two videos, and agree that you are offered a better view of the suspended pianos in the scheme of things from across the street. When directly beneath the exhibit, you couldn't see the forest for the trees, so to speak. You couldn't take in and appreciate the scene in its entirety. The lighting is festive, tasteful and enchanting. I can see why this is one of the most popular Illuminate SF spots to visit.

    Your pics showed up in the correct size again this time. I am in awe of you for having all but one of the posts finished. That must give you a good feeling. Enjoy the rest of your Tuesday, dear friend Janet!

    1. Thanks Shady! I got the pictures I needed last night so I'll be all set! I am so relieved.

  2. cool! I'm not sure why all cities don't have this "festival!"

    1. Right? I'm definitely going to try to get in during the season this year.

  3. That's quite interesting and scary. I forgotvthat Caruso was in the great earthquake.


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