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Saturday, August 31, 2019

August Break - 2019 - Smile, August Was, Couch

And so we come to the end of August Break for 2019.  Gonna try for another three-fur today, combining the last two days of August with the Stream of Consciousness Saturday.  Let's see how it goes.

August 30 - Smile

We went to the Giants game last night with a bunch of friends for Italian Heritage night.  Since my maiden name is Stagnaro, I'm pretty sure I qualify.  Of course I have to take the smiling selfie wherever we are:

But this time we were smiling even more because our picture made it to the big screen!

Game #3

When I say "Big screen" I really mean it because at 153.28 FEET wide by 70.87 FEET high it is the largest video screen in any of California's sports arenas.  So, I can say that was my/our 15 seconds of fame :)  

August 31 - August Was...definitely not a month where I sat on the couch and did nothing!  I started the month with a Backstreet Boys concert, went to three Giants games and the ocean, caught the full moon, made some cards, started a new baby album project and read three books.  Plus, lost 2 more pounds - which is not a lot but with some less than strict Keto eating during these events is not surprising to me. 

Backstreet Boys

Game #1 - "Friends" tribute night.  Some of the Giants players and their wives did a recreation of the opening of the television show "Friends."  It was pretty good!

Game #2 - Baseball card giveaway
The Beach

The full moon

Cards for any occasion available now.
Baby's first year mini-album in a box.

Interesting read about Freddie Mercury.  Added some details that I didn't know. 

 Latest book from the Braxton Campus series.  Stay tuned for another one in October!

Spilled Milk
Based on a true story.  I cannot imagine.   

Hope you enjoyed my August Break entries.  How was your August?  What's coming up in September?  I'm thinking of doing a would you rather this or that series.    

Thursday, August 29, 2019

August Break - 2019 - Recipe, Bag and Listening

Fortunately I got a large, rush work job so I had to miss posting here for a couple of days but I did manage to post on Instagram so now I'll recap here...

Day 27 - Favorite recipe: 

I don't really have favorite recipes because truthfully cooking is not one of my favorite activities.  My daughter and I have been trying out some new meals from these books lately and since the weight is slowly coming off, they are my favorite at the moment - LOL.

Day 28 - In my bag:

This is the bag I have filled with the pens, pencils and markers that I use when I'm coloring. 

Since most of the time I color while watching TV, it is very handy to be able to just bring this with me. 

Even with all these options sometimes I struggle looking for just the right color!

Day 29 - Listening

I listen to my iTunes while I walk Benny twice a day.  Sometimes I put it on shuffle:

and sometimes I start with the A's and work my way through the alphabet.  

I get a most unusual mix either way since I have a diverse collection.  The Scorpions and ACDC could be followed by Dean Martin or John Denver.  Who knows?

What are you listening to?  Have a favorite low carb recipe I should try?  What's in your bag?   


Monday, August 26, 2019

August Break - 2019 - Door

Day 26 - Door - I was looking around this morning for interesting doors for today's post and didn't really see anything that grabbed me.  Then I went into the studio and of course found the door:

It is the inside of the door to my studio.  I have a screen over it so that hopefully I can keep it open sometimes and not have too many flies.  Also to help keep out stray cats.  

There is a bit of corkboard on the top section and I've hung a few of my favorite things and the vision board I made for this year.  

The bottom section holds the white boards I use as a background when I'm taking pictures of things for the Etsy shop.

Got a favorite door?  

Sunday, August 25, 2019

August Break - 2019 - Green and #SLS Dream

Doing double duty so I don't clog up anybody's in box.

August Break's prompt is Green

Here are a couple of things I found on my walk this morning:

Scattered throughout the town are these green benches.  I can't take advantage of them while I'm walking Benny though.  I had a hard enough time trying to get him to slow down so I could take this picture!

This green truck looks like it might have been an Avon cologne bottle.  The yard around this house is filled with a village that has all kinds of interesting things in it surrounded by all different kinds of cacti.  I see something new every time I walk by. 

Our street signs.  

That means I looked both up and down on the walk today.  Gold (or green) star for me!  

Song Lyric Sunday orchestrated by Jim has the prompt of Dream/Lullaby/Sleep.  I've written about the lullaby my mom used to sing, Cowboy Jack.  It would fit perfectly as a background for a video of the little town above!  Maybe I'll try that sometime.  However, for today I've chosen Wildest Dreams by Tina Turner and Barry White.  

In Your Wildest Dream
The sun goes down
And the moon comes up
My heart is pumping for you
And a mad thing starts
Never in you wildest dreams
Did you ever get this feeling
Never in your wildest dreams
Never in your wildest dreams
Could it ever be this easy
Never in your wildest dreams
The night is hot outside your window
I hear people walking people talking
I smell your skin I feel you breathing
Don't let me go not yet, not yet, not yet, not yet
Never in your wildest dreams
Could you ever get this easy
Never in your wildest dreams
Never in your wildest dreams
Did it ever get this easy
Never in your wildest dreams
And the world is slowly turning
As it turns I see your face
Touch your eyes, your lips. . .space
We've arrived at the place 
Where they open hearts
And fill them up with love
Filled with love filled with love
This on is pumping for you
As a mad thing starts
Never in your wildest dreams 
Did you ever get this feeling
Never in your wildest dreams
Never in your wildest dreams
Could it ever be this easy
Never in your wildest dreams
Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Mike Chapman / Holly Knight
In Your Wildest Dream lyrics © Music & Media Int'l, Inc

Two of the sexiest voices I've ever heard! 

We saw Tina in concert many years ago and she was fantastic.  Such energy! 

Have a very happy Sunday everyone. 

Saturday, August 24, 2019

August Break - 2019 - In the distance

In the distance is the prompt for today.  Since the Stream of Consciousness Saturday prompt is "preposition," I think I'm good with that too!

I'm working out in the studio tonight.  I stepped outside and I found a lone star in the distance.

Then I tried to catch a plane flying by but it's kinda blurry. 

They are definitely in the distance!  Short and sweet tonight.  I'm watching the baseball game and putting together the last few pages in the Boulder Creek Annual Golf Tournament album.  I know I've talked about that before.  I need to finish last year's pages so I will be up to date for next month.  I'm just happy I'm not too far behind.  Have a great night everyone. 

Friday, August 23, 2019

August Break - 2019 - Day 23 Water

Water is the prompt for today and while I never get tired of looking at the ocean, I do have a different picture I can share.  This was a waterfall I got while I was working at Michaels and I really liked having it in the studio. 

Unfortunately, somehow it got broken and there is no room at the moment in the studio for another one.  Maybe someday.  Or, maybe I'll put something in the backyard when I put together the little village. 

Do you have a waterfall?  Find it peaceful? 

Thursday, August 22, 2019

August Break - 2019 Day 22 Cloud

Day 22 says we should look to the heavens.  I was walking Benny a couple of mornings ago and that's just what I did:

The sun was trying hard to burst through the clouds.  It eventually made it but I'm glad I got this shot before it did.  Loving all the things I see now that I'm walking Benny twice a day.  It's good for both of us.  

Speaking of good things, I'm going to share a quick plug for a company I am a new affiliate for, The Dollar Tree.  Everything is a dollar and why spend more when you don't have to?  If you click through my link I will be compensated (necessary disclaimer).  Check it out.

I've gotten a lot of my decorations and things through them and they do have some handy items.  If you have a store near you, you can order online and pick it up in the store.  That's pretty handy. 

Do you ever shop the Dollar Tree?  Have you looked at the clouds lately?  Share!

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

August Break - 2019 - Day 21 Right Now

August Break has a little over a week left.  I have an idea for September but I need to work on it a bit more.  Today's prompt is "Right Now."

I was walking the mall today while I was waiting for Benny to be done at the groomers.  This is the same mall that had the shooting in July.  I saw this train down one of the side aisles.

The mall was empty but I think it's more because all the kids are back in school than because people are afraid.  The shooting was at the other end of the mall and since it was a personal fight not a random act it is a little less scary.  

I wonder how much this train will get used when it gets closer to Christmas?  There was nothing like this when my kids were little but I certainly would have let them ride if there had been.  I did notice a few more empty storefronts though.  Thank goodness they still have Barnes and Noble and Target here!  The smell from Mrs. Fields' was delightful and I had to walk past it fast!  

Does your mall have a train in it?  Had any Mrs. Fields' lately?  

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

August Break - 2019 - Two

Today's prompt is Two.   I mentioned the other day that 5 is one of my favorite numbers and there are five in our family.  I love doing things all together but sometimes just two is fun too!  Over the past year I've been able to have "two" time with everyone and it's been great! 

Me and the Hubs

Daughter #1

#1 son

The youngest

And we can't forget Benny!  
What do you have for 2? 

Sunday, August 18, 2019

August Break - 2019 - Number - Picnic - My Hands

Catching up today with #Augustbreak2019 because I've missed a couple of posts.

August 16:  Number

I've been doing the August Break for a few years now and I have this page from 2015.  I wrote that my favorite numbers are 3 and 5. 

While doing the research for that, I was curious so I looked at some numbers in relation to my blog.  Interestingly, although I use Blogger to write my posts because that's the platform I started with, I am able to simulcast it on WordPress thanks to John at The Sound of One Hand Typing who introduced me to IFTTT.  On my Blogger site I have 25 followers and 694 total posts.  On my WordPress site I have 164 followers and 941 posts.  I am not sure how I have more posts on WordPress but I wonder if I should just learn how to use that and give up my Blogger?  Something to ponder.  I also see that some of the pictures from 2015 are no longer showing on my Blogger but they are on WordPress.  What's up with that?

August 17:  Picnic

I don't go on many picnics but I have this cute mini-album in the shape of a picnic basket for sale in my Etsy shop in case you want to use it for some pictures of picnics that you have had :).

image 0image 2

image 3

August 18:  My hands

I use my hands all the time since typing is what I do for a living.  A few years ago I had an interesting occurrence with my wedding rings.  I am still not quite sure how it happened but they got warped while on my hand and yet nothing was wrong with my finger. 

I had the rings repaired but didn't like the way the anniversary band came out so we got a ring enhancer to go around the wedding bands instead.

A couple of weeks ago I was walking Benny and we had a run in with a mean cat.  When I went down to pick up Benny so the cat couldn't get at him my hand got in the way. 

It looks worse than it is and it is all better now but I was surprised at how black and blue it got.  There were two claw puncture marks as well.  The cat was just as big as Benny and pretty strong.  Benny growls as we pass by the house now! 

Now I'm all caught up and can start fresh tomorrow.  Thanks for following along.