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Saturday, January 11, 2020

Just Jot January - 2020 - Stream of Consciousness Edition

Linda says: 

Your prompt for #JusJoJan and Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “the first 3 words of the first full sentence.” Okay, follow me here. This is what I want you to do: 1. Grab the closest book to you when you sit down to write your post. 2. Open it to a random page. 3. Locate the first complete sentence on that page. 4. Use the first three words of that sentence to start your post, then take it from there–write whatever comes to mind. That’s it! Have fun!

Additionally, over time, it gets easier and easier to follow a routine.  It is the beginning that is the hardest.  They say it takes 21 days to start a new habit or to break a bad one but I'm not so sure about that.  I have also read that after the 21 days you continue it for another 90.  That is more like 111 days which makes more sense.

Got my 3 words from one of the Keto books I have on my desk.  I've been using them to get inspiration for meal planning, something I've been trying to get in the habit of doing.  I've done it for a week or so at a time but then something happens and I go back to just winging it.  I notice though that when I am planning, I am losing faster.  You'd think that would be motivation!

Exercise is another thing I've not been very consistent with, except for walking Benny twice a day.  I really need to get some arm and core work in to strengthen those muscles and help lose some of the excess flab from there.  I know that I've stretched my skin with all the weight I was carrying but you'd think I'd be able to fill some of it back with muscle instead of having flopping wings.  I'll start tomorrow, maybe. 


  1. Hi Janet - this was a really interesting prompt - and also quite out of left field with how you handled it! I hope you find your consistency, but at the same time I'm also finding that winging it is now my go-to move (maybe it's a Midlife thing?)

    1. You know, winging it is fun sometimes but since I'm still working, I need a bit more structure. Something I'm trying to balance now. Thanks for stopping by, Leanne. Appreciate your visits.


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