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Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Featured in February – 2022

“You knew” I was going to try another challenge, didn’t you? This one comes from new-to-me blogger Sandra at “What Sandra Thinks.” I’ve seen her name before on other blogs but when I saw these prompts for February I was intrigued. Let’s see what kind of things we can come up with.

You knew I was doing the One Second Everyday app too, right? Here is my January:

What do you think? Look like fun? I’m sure the more the merrier. Thanks Sandra.

from WordPress


  1. Well this sounds interesting and some sound downright difficult like the suicide one. I will be interested to see what you come up with. I like your sunset

    1. Thanks Birgit. Yeah, that one caught me too. We've been having some really gorgeous skies around here lately.

  2. Hi, Janet!

    Happy February 2022, dear friend! I can't promise to be here every single day as you tackle another month-long challenge, but I wanted to stop in this morning while I have a pocket of time. I'm glad I didn't miss your 1 Second Everyday video clip compilation for the month of January. I noticed that you are reading or have read or want to read Rob Lowe's new book Love Life. Are you watching his rescue TV series 911: Lone Star? Mrs. Shady and I watched the latest episode last night. Of course, I also noticed your mother's watch and your caption indicating that she is reunited with your father. It is a very touching thought, one that I am sure gives you comfort. The shot of my buddy Benny looking up at the camera and hinting that he'd like to go for his walk is a priceless moment, as is the one of him taking a snooze. Then there are the shots of those dang planes coming in for a landing over your house and appearing like they are dropping from the sky. Here's hoping that your complete 2022 clip compilation will contain many more happy memories than sad ones.

    Have a safe, happy and productive month, dear friend Janet!

    1. Thanks so much my friend! I don't expect you to visit every day, just appreciate the times you do as you always take such time to leave me a note. I am so grateful that mom gave me the watch before she moved to my sister's. It was engraved the year before I was born but I know that this is the watch dad gave her when they first started going out. He told her it had diamonds in it so that meant he was serious about her.

      Poor Benny has an irritation on his tail that is bothering him. We are trying to figure out how to care for it so he won't bite his tail off! I did read Rob Lowe's book. He is a very loving father (from what he shares) and overcame an alcohol addiction. It was quite good. I have not seen his TV series.

      Again, appreciate the time you take to say hello. Have a wonderful rest of your week!

  3. Not sure I'm ready for another month long challenge but some interesting prompts there. Good luck!

    1. I hear you, Wendy! Not sure I'll make every prompt either but I'm giving it a shot.

  4. Hi, Janet - I look forward to reading your thoughts to these prompts.
    Awesome 1 Second Everyday Video!

    1. Thanks Donna. There are a few I'm not so sure of but I'll give it my best shot.


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