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Sunday, January 1, 2017

Janet in January - 2017

January 1 - Happy New Year!  2017 is going to be a great year.  I believe it.

I'm starting the year off with some specific goals.  First is the 365 picture project.  I did one in 2013 and I was looking through the book I made recently and decided that I'd like to try it again.  In addition, I was guided to a site called Fatmumslim - isn't that a great name?  Since one of my goals is also to lose more weight this year, of course I had to check it out!  Anyway, Chantelle gives a month of prompts for your pictures.  While I may not follow each prompt, they will certainly come in handy for the days when I get stuck for a picture, which is one of the things that happened when I did it in 2013.  Also, I got two new journals to keep the pictures in because one of the other things that bothered me when I did it the first time was that the journal I got to hold the pictures got too thick.  I finished it but it bothered me and I noticed I stopped adding embellishments and printed the pictures on regular paper instead of photo paper.  This year I'll be able to keep half a year in each album and it should work out better.

Here are the prompts for January:

And here is my first photo:  

Yellow used to be my favorite color but in the last few years I have been more drawn to the color orange.  

Also following along with Ali Edwards and her One Little Word course throughout the year where we take our word of the year and keep it alive in our actions through the year.  Here is one way I keep it:

What about you?  Resolutions, goals, projects?  Love to hear about them!



  1. My goals are the same as for 2016 (since I didn't do such a hot job last year): eat less sugar, declutter the house, and write more fiction. Good luck with your projects.

    1. Isn't decluttering the house a never ending job anyway? I know mine is, especially because both my husband and I see the "value" in so many things! Good luck to you with your writing. Thanks for stopping by!


I'd love to hear your thoughts!