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Monday, November 7, 2016

A November to Remember

November 7 - Cherished Memory #7

My first kiss.  I never had a boyfriend in high school (if you read yesterday's memory you know I spent most of my days in the library - LOL).  I did participate in a program they had called Junior Achievement, though, which was to teach students how to run a business.  We would meet once a week and we formed companies, picked a product to make and sell at a fair held at the local shopping malls.  I was in the program both my junior and senior years.

Our sponsor company was Haskin and Sells and we called our company Hassle and Sell.  We made decoupage wall plaques.  It was quite interesting.  We elected company officers and had a business plan, an assembly line to make the products, marketing managers, just like a regular company.  I can't remember exactly but I think I was even Vice President of Sales or something.

Here I am at one of the Trade Fairs.  The wall plaques we made were pretty cute and we actually made some money for the company.  We had award dinners and I won an award.  I can't remember what for but I'm pretty sure I still have it around somewhere.

But, one of the really cool things they did was have a convention!  I went to two conventions.  The first was in San Francisco.  We got to spend a Friday and Saturday night in a hotel and attend different seminars on business.  On Friday night we piled on to buses and took a trip down to Fisherman's Wharf.  I got to know a few of the other kids from other schools.  On Saturday night they had a dance.  Here's where the kiss comes in.  

We were at the San Franciscan Hotel (which is now the Hotel Whitcomb).  I later found out that was the hotel where my parents spent the first night of their honeymoon.  One of the guys I had met from another company was really cute.  He had blond hair that kind of fell into his eyes.  His name was John.  We danced a few dances and then we found ourselves in a quiet corner.  And then, the kiss.  What kind of kiss?  I don't really remember the details, but I know we missed several songs.  The whole thing was very exciting - kind of like a secret rendezvous.  All too soon the dance was over and we had to go to our separate rooms.  They were very strict about curfew.    

Unfortunately, the next day we were all going home.  John did take my number and called me a few times.  He even came to see me at one of the other Trade Fairs we did, but I think the "romance" was doomed because we went to different schools and didn't get to see each other much.  

Still, one more cherished memory for the books.  I am linking this up with the Question of the Month sponsored by Michael G. D'Agostino, although he is not participating, he is still hosting.  

How about you?  Remember your first kiss?  Was it exciting?  Love to hear about it.


  1. I'm passing on this month's question as it didn't fit in well with my post for today.

    I don't recall having Junior Achievement where I went to school, but I wish we had had that opportunity as it would have been useful to me. Didn't have any significant romantic life in high school either. What did I do during high school anyway? Not too many memories from that time of my life.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. LOL Arlee, it was only after I went to my 40th high school reunion that I found out about all the good times I missed. Still, no regrets. I also am upset that they stopped offering things like Junior Achievement and even teaching home ec and wood shop or auto shop in high school. I think there are many young adults out there who would have benefitted from those programs. But, that's one of my soap box rants. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. We didn't have JA at our school. Too bad, too. I think they were afraid we wouldn't want to go to college if we got involved with it. They pushed college so hard then, and I guess it's even more of an imperative now.

    1. Yes, John. It infuriates me that they are so into the big C at the high schools now. I have three children and only the youngest has been motivated enough to pursue college. The other two would have been well served with basic life skill courses. I'm glad I'm done with it all now and that they have all turned out to be great young adults.


I'd love to hear your thoughts!