Our blogging friend Ally, prompts us to answer the five following questions as part of her acceptance of the Outstanding Blogger Award, of which she is truly deserving.
Q1 – What’s your favorite movie? Too many. Hitchcock’s “Rear Window” jumped in my head.
Q2 – When trying to buy shoes, what’s your biggest problem? Trying to buy shoes is my problem. For some reason I have never liked that experience. Interesting, because as a Pisces, feet are supposed to be my body part.
Q3 – Ice cream cone or cupcake? Cupcake definitely but actually just the frosting not the cake.
Q4 – What’s one good thing you have learned about yourself during this pandemic? I can most definitely handle being alone. While I miss dinners with a few friends and concerts where I can blend in with the crowd, I truly can occupy my time and be perfectly content in my own little world.
Q5 – Any eccentric people in your family? Discuss. Eccentric is a fun word. I’d have to say my Auntie Annie was eccentric, but maybe she was just outgoing and to my quiet self that makes her eccentric. I know that she was fun to be around. She took me to Reno when I turned 21 so that I could gamble legally for the first time. We had a great trip. She was one of those people who started conversations with anyone and everyone and always knew the bartender! She and my mom are twins and total opposites. Annie worked as a waitress all her life and always had the most interesting stories to tell. This picture doesn’t really do her justice, but you can tell by the gold jacket she wasn’t afraid to stand out in a crowd.
I, like Ally, don’t feel comfortable trying to single out bloggers for awards since I feel that anyone who reads my drivel is outstanding and I don’t want to put undue pressure on folks to respond so I will just post my five questions here and if you are so inclined, feel free to answer them in the comments or on your own blogs. My questions are:
- What is your favorite quote. I collect them.
- If money were no object where would you go?
- How many places have you lived or jobs have you held?
- Have you tried meditation? Did it help you?
- Who would you like to meet (living or dead) for dinner?
There you go. Thanks again, Ally, for giving me something to blog about today. Now I’m off to take pictures of more dolls for sale.
from WordPress https://scr4pl80.wordpress.com/2021/03/19/march-madness-2021-5-questions/