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Saturday, March 13, 2021

March Madness – 2021 – Stream of Consciousness Saturday

So a month ago John gave us the opportunity to put someone “in the corner” for something that we consider offensive. My choice was the toilet paper companies for making all of the rolls MEGA sized.

It amazes me sometimes that people actually read my little missives and even more astounding is that you take the time to comment! I must say I really appreciate it. It was especially helpful with that post. J. Lennie Dorner, one of the Captains on the A to Z excursion, commented that Charmin was offering extenders for the toilet roll holders. I flippantly commented that I wasn’t going to pay for additional equipment, I was just going to leave it on the sink.

However, I did take the time to follow the link he so graciously provided and what do you know, the extenders are free, one to a customer! I decided that free was definitely worth it so I sent in my request. I got my extender today AND IT WORKS!

And it didn’t even take months to get. I know it has only been a week or two at the most. So, if you are having an issue with the massive toilet paper rolls, follow this link to get your freebie.

Thanks to Linda for her #SoCS prompt of day/week/month/year, to J. Lennie for leaving me that comment and to all of you who so kindly follow my rambling!

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  1. Very cool about the free extenders. I am off to check if they are also available in Canada! :D

    1. Do it Donna! I think if you can buy Charmin, you should be able to get the extender.

  2. Hi, Janet!

    Well, how about that, dear friend? It's encouraging to find a company (the makers of Charmin) so responsive to the needs of its customers that it is willing to manufacture and distribute free adaptors (extenders) to make those jumbo TP rolls more user friendly. I wish it were this easy for "we the people" to bring about other, more important changes to the way our society operates. It's proof, however, that every voice and every vote counts.

    Thanks for the update, dear friend Janet. Have a nice Sunday and a safe and happy week!

    1. Thanks Shady! I was very pleased with the extender. What a concept and how easy to make someone (me) happy!

  3. Sadly my holder isn't designed to take an extender lol but well done for your perseverance.

    1. Oh, that's too bad, Wendy. I was surprised it worked so well actually.


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