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Saturday, May 1, 2021

May You Smile All Month

Fresh off the A to Z Challenge, I’m about to embark on another one because the name of the challenge just called to me. Deb Stott is curating 31 Days of Smiles with these prompts:

My answer to “Fresh” is

Because nothing beats a fresh calendar page. Hopefully we’ll be able to fill it up with fun activities as the pandemic restrictions start to ease up. What says “fresh” to you? Hope to see you play along with #SmileForAMonth.

from WordPress


  1. Oh goodness I think I've had enough challenges for now but good luck to you!

    1. Thanks Wendy. I may not post here everyday but I can usually manage a picture on instagram :)

  2. Considering the name of your blog and your wonderful outlook, I can definitely see how a month of smiles reaches out to you.

    I love fresh calendar pages too! "Produce" popped in my mind when I thought of "fresh". Nothing like fresh fruits and veggies. Now I'm hungry for a home-grown tomato (grown by someone else, of course, since I don't garden).

    1. I don't garden either but I totally love fresh produce!


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