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Monday, September 2, 2019

September Silliness - 2019 Labor Day Pick One

In honor of Labor Day here in the United States, I offer this pick one:

Whistle while you work or sing in the shower and why?

One might think that singing in the shower is better but I'm picking whistle while you work.  In my mind, if I am happy enough at work to whistle, then I am enjoying my job and that is something we all want to be able to do.  Here are Snow White and the Dwarfs to show what I mean.

Of course, if I had all the help she does while doing the housework I'd have no problem whistling, but I'm sure you get what I mean.

On the other hand singing in the shower can be very therapeutic as well.  According to How Stuff Works, singing in the shower relaxes us.  Being relaxed releases dopamine which can start the creative juices flowing.  Maybe that's why I come up with some of my best ideas in the shower?  Also, because of the breathing you put into singing, it gets your blood flowing which gives you better circulation and that is good for both mind and body.  The acoustics in the shower are great too which means you sound good!

Still, you are only in the shower for 5 or 10 minutes usually and you are at work for a much longer time than that, so I'm still going for whistle while you work.  Which do you pick?  Happy Labor Day everyone!   

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