August 3 -
The prompt for today in the
August Break is "Handwriting." I have a love/hate relationship with my own handwriting. Sometimes I really like the way it looks and sometimes I get too sloppy. I write a lot in my journals and those I don't get too upset about but if I am making a card or something to sell in my shop, if I write messy, it could mean that I have to start all over again.
I have some notes that my husband has sent me over the years. This one was taped to the coffeemaker one morning over 20 years ago because we were living in a rented house at the time. At that time we were working different shifts and rarely saw each other.
Being a card maker, I so appreciate the "snail mail" idea and hope that sending a personal note in a card does not go away.
Last night we were able to see Adele at Oracle Arena in Oakland and she was AMAZING!
There was a really cool moment when Adele asked everyone to put their camera flashlights on. It looked like this:
Again, pretty amazing. She is such a cool entertainer, even bending down to allow those who had seats near the stage to take "selfie" pictures with her in the background. Unlike Cher, who we saw a couple of years ago, there were no costume changes and she never left the stage, except to walk from one area to the other. She captured us all with her voice, both in song and in the stories about herself that she shared. She even stopped singing after she had started a song to allow people to come and stand closer to the stage. She waited a few minutes for people to move forward and then she started the song all over again!
I knew that today's prompt was handwriting so I had my eyes open for something that I could use to tie the two together. I thought I had something with this picture:
But it was just a hand, not handwriting. Then, toward the end of the concert there was an explosion of paper bits coming down:
We were too far away to get any of them and that bummed me a little because I like to put that kind of stuff in my concert album. However, as we were heading to BART to catch the train back home, a woman near us had a handful and she gave us a few. Imagine my surprise when I looked at them and saw this:
Now, I'm pretty sure that Adele did not sit down and write these out on each one of those millions of pieces of paper falling from the rafters, but I could imagine her writing a few to have mass produced. There was my tie-in to today's prompt AND my souvenir for my scrapbook! Terrific ending to a great night!
I have some video of Adele as well but I'll save that for another time. Hope you are enjoying my little musings. Leave me a message and let me know what you think. Did I make the reach from Adele to handwriting?