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Wednesday, March 11, 2020

March Madness - One Liner Wednesday - Drive Quote


"Always focus on the front windshield and not the rearview mirror."  Colin Powell.

Easy to say but sometimes hard to do, hindsight being 20/20 and all.  I've been reflecting a bit about how I lived my life for the last 65 years.  A birthday can make you do that.  The bad news is, I can see some mistakes. 

The good news is, I can see some mistakes.  I can't take them away but I can try to be more aware of things I do now and try to stop them before they happen, or acknowledge them and ask for patience.

And I can focus on the windshield and not the rearview mirror.  This is what I saw out the windshield last night.  Isn't the sky gorgeous?       

#OLW brought to you by the lovely Linda.   Come play along. 


  1. Belated birthday wishes. I hope you had a great day.

    1. Thanks, Wendy. I did have a pretty nice day.

  2. Hi, Janet!

    Once again, happy March birthday to you, dear friend! I like the Colin Powell quote. I think it is useful to review the past and the choices you made along the way. The key is to learn from poor choices and not to dwell on them and wallow in regret. Keep the past in the past. A whole world of possibility awaits, so keep focusing on the road ahead. That is indeed a gorgeous red sky. Let that picture inspire you.

    Have a great Friday (the 13th!!!) and a safe and happy weekend, dear friend Janet!

    1. Thanks Shady. I have been really trying to pay attention to what is in front of me and letting go of some poor choices in the past. Friday the 13th it is. Have a great weekend yourself!


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