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Tuesday, July 13, 2021

July Jumped Right In…

…with a family emergency that means my husband will be out of town for five weeks. How will I last that long without him you ask? Well, let me put it this way. I love my husband very much but we have been together 24/7 (he’s retired, I work from home) for the last 8 years. You know that old saying, “Absence makes the heart grow fonder?” It applies here. LOL

I have big plans for the available time. I have many projects around the house I would like to get done and some serious time in the studio is calling me. It is time for me to look back on the vision cards I made for this year to pick the areas that need tending to the most.

In order from top to bottom, left to right:

Business of Magic is the title I used for my craft business this year. I actually have been doing pretty well there and even was able to do a pop up craft show in June. I have made at least one or two sales every month and that is kind of like magic. I just got a notice to sign up for one of the holiday boutiques in November so it looks like things are flowing in this category. I did some rearranging and reorganizing in the studio too, which makes working in it much easier. Also made myself some new business cards with a new logo. What do you think?

Sharing is the title I used for connecting with family and friends. Of course the pandemic limited that a bit but we have had dinner with friends and made plans to go to a couple concerts in September with others so we’re getting there. I also did some Zoom and FaceTime interactions so I’m counting that too and we had a great 4th of July gathering.

Prosperity is the category title for our financial health. It is a struggle because my transcription business is quite hit and miss but fortunately I’ve been able to move some money around and we are doing okay. Of course winning the lottery would help!

I have had a lot of action in the Experience category. All my excursions through San Francisco for the A to Z really helped there.

Self-Care is one of the areas that needs some work this next six months. I have stalled in the weight loss department but haven’t given up hope to get going again. I intend to use the time while hubby is away to get more serious with my healthy eating and to increase the activity by dancing in the living room since he won’t be there watching TV. I also started listening to meditation while I walk Benny in the morning. It helps me focus on the day.

Nest is another area that I will be concentrating on. I have made a goal to go room by room listing all the things I want to attend to. I also have plans for the outside like a small fence in the front yard so I can let Benny get out there and not have to worry that he’s going to chase a passing motorcycle or run across the street to visit another dog walking by. I still haven’t gotten my fire pit yet either!

So, how has your year been so far. Did you make a list of goals you wanted to accomplish? How are you doing with them? You still have time to tackle something!

from WordPress


  1. Hi, Janet & Benny!

    I hope the family emergency that will require your hubby to be away five weeks isn't too dire, dear friend. In the meantime, you are exactly right. You now have a unique opportunity to do lots of planning and reorganizing and tackle projects that have been on hold.

    Your vision cards always inspire me. I apply them to my own life. I'm happy to know that your craft business is once again on the upswing, and opportunities are arising for you to attend events and display your wares in person. I'm sure you will be more creative and productive in a rearranged, "reimagined" studio space. I think your business card and new logo work well for you. The cuddly, smiling critter generates a warm and fuzzy feeling. It is a clever idea to turn Miles into Smiles, and your stylized "Janet" signature is a nice touch.

    Yessum, it's wonderful to be able to gather with family and friends again and not have to connect with them through a screen. It is also a blessing to be able to resume activities you and your hubby love such as going to concerts, sporting events and your favorite eateries. Let's hope the menace of variants doesn't reverse the positive trend and send us right back into a lockdown.

    As you already know, frugality and thrift, efficiency - finding ways to avoid wasting time and money - and having the discipline to save a percentage of your income are all as important as generating income.

    Self-care is a category most of us need to address. The pandemic turned us into COVID couch potatoes, making it harder to achieve weight loss goals and stay fit. A healthy diet, vigorous walks with Benny and dancing (even if it is in the privacy of your studio) are all ways to get you back on track.

    I'm sure Benny would love to be able to romp in a fenced in yard so that he doesn't have to pester you to walk him when it is inconvenient.

    For us, the year is seeming more like 2019 and earlier years before the viral outbreak changed our lives so dramatically. We are planning a trip later in the year, perhaps to Albuquerque, perhaps to Charlottesville, coastal Maine or other destination of interest.

    Enjoy the rest of your week, dear friend Janet!

    1. Thanks for stopping by my friend. Always so nice to read your thoughtful comments. I hope the weather didn't dampen your spirits too much. I have been thinking about Maine for a little while now as a place I might like to visit some day. I just got through reading the book, "Scarlett" abut the adventures of Scarlett O'Hara after Gone With the Wind and she spent some time in Charlottesville trying to get Rhett back. It sounded interesting too. Crossing fingers about the variants to the virus and going to continue to take precautions even though we've been vaccinated. Have a wonderful week yourself. I'm off to take Benny for his afternoon jaunt. He's been really patient while I did some work.

  2. I hope your husband will be able to help out with the family emergency and that the problem isn't too bad. That's great that you have a lot of things you want to tackle while he's gone.

    1. Hi Natalie - Yeah, I don't know why I feel like I have to wait for him to go away to get stuff done - LOL. I should do it while he's here so he can help!

  3. Oh I hope your hubby is home soon, safe and well. I find there are some things that are just easier to do on my own too, unless there's heavy lifting involved lol. This has been another year where keeping to goals has not been easy.

    1. Very true, Wendy. Thankfully I have my son here to help with that.

  4. Great vision cards! I hope you reach all your goals.

    I nominated you for an award.

  5. How kind of you! Thanks Lenni. Hope things are going well for you.


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