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Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Blogging From A to Z 2025 Theme Reveal

Democracy A to Z is my theme for this year's challenge. I am strongly in favor of keeping the United States a democracy. I do also happen to be a Democrat but if there was a Republican who actually made some sense or had a good idea about something...LOL who am I kidding.

When I was talking to Tamara from Part-Time Working Hockey Mom she asked me if I was going to do the A to Z this year and I told her I wanted to but wasn't sure about a topic yet. She suggested that I discuss elections and Presidents and Presidents who deserved the title. At first I was hesitant to discuss politics and honestly I'm just so upset with the way the last election turned out and the terrible things that are going on in our country that I just wasn't feeling it. Then I remembered Speaker Jeffries' speech and figured I could use that to get my basis for the challenge.

In 2023 Minority Speaker of the House Hakeem Jeffries gave a speech to the new 118th congress. In it he recited the ideals of the Democratic Party using the alphabet. In case you missed it, have a listen:

It gives me chills. I guess you can figure out what my actual letters will be by listening to the speech, but hopefully I can put a bit more context behind each pairing. 

If you are doing the A to Z this year, let me know! I am loving the bright graphics this year. 


  1. When I saw your theme on the list I was, "Oh, no..." because I wasn't sure which "side" you are on! I see you are on the side of democracy, and reasonableness (I too would accept a reasonable Republican! It's pretty bad when you miss the Bushes, who politics aside seems like very nice people). So, I look forward to your posts. I am not familiar with the alphabetical speech. I will watch.

    1. Hi Lisa, I realize that politics can be a very touchy subject. My idea is more about human interaction than about taxes and finances. We have to keep speaking the truth.

  2. Hi, Janet!

    I am here to say... no... shout-- "You go girl!" Congratulations on picking a topic that could not be more timely and relevant. I just watched the Hakeem Jeffries address and lauded him for finding a meaningful and inspiring catchword for every letter of the alphabet. In his rallying cry to Democrats, true patriots, defenders of democracy and people of all stripes who love our country, Jeffries laid the groundwork for you to expand upon in this year's A to Z Challenge. Even though my new blogging policy limits me to three days of "active duty" per month, I want to make an exception in your case and be here for as many of your posts as possible, because we need to stick together and support one another. It's all hands on deck in this fierce battle to save the America we know (knew) and love (loved). As we all know, and as you told Lisa (above) in your reply, politics is a touchy subject, but the forces that are working around the clock to destroy our country would like nothing better than to have all of us fall silent and let them do their dirty deeds without protest and countermeasures. It's time to speak up, speak out, speak loudly and speak clearly. I admire you for taking a stand here at Janet's Smiles.

    I''ll be thinking about you and my buddy Benny until we meet again here on your site and at Shady's Place on April 1. See you then, dear friend Janet!

    1. Hi Shady! Thanks so much for your encouraging words. I know this may be a difficult topic but as you say, we can't just let this administration (and I use that word loosely) roll right over us. I don't really have that big of a following but I think it will be helpful for my mental health as well. I can't keep this stuff bottled in! See you in April and of course I do not expect a comment on every post but appreciate you when you can.

  3. Wow, thanks for doing this! I'm not in the U.S. and quite frankly am happy about that. I look forward to seeing your AtoZ.

    1. Hi Astrid. Thanks for the encouragement. I hope that I can help people all over understand what is going on here and why I am so worried.


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