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Sunday, March 23, 2025

A to Z Dilemma

Hey folks, it's Sunday March 23 and we will be starting the A to Z Challenge in a little over a week. As you know, my theme this year is going to be the A to Z of Democracy as voiced by Hakeem Jeffries, Minority Speaker of the House of Representatives. I have had quite a few positive comments regarding my choice of topics which has been encouraging. However, I did receive a comment from a blogger that I no longer follow since I realized when #47 was #45 that they had a different perspective than mine about the state of affairs in our country. Even though we had some other things in common, I just could not read a blog defending what was going on at that time.

This morning, while starting to prep for the upcoming challenge I took a look at my "comments" section here and on WP to see if there had been any recent ones that inadvertently ended up in the spam or pending file as will sometimes happen. I did find some, including a few of my own replies, which I rescued. However, I did also see one that was in my trash from the blogger mentioned above. 

Turns out they still hold the same devotion to the person currently in the WH and voiced their disapproval of my chosen topic. They proceeded to tell me that they are tired of people bashing their favorite fellow and dividing our country. They informed me that I should probably do better research because my facts were incorrect and "he really cares about" us. 

And herein lies my dilemma. This comment was already in the trash so I automatically emptied it, deleting the comment. And then I thought about it. If my intention is to showcase the differences between democracy and authoritarianism, oligarchy or whatever it is that we are in the middle of, shouldn't I be open to listening to other opinions? I could have responded to this comment by saying something like, "I'm sorry you don't like my topic so maybe you shouldn't follow me this year," or "I disagree with your assessment of what is happening now and maybe you should read my reasons for this during the challenge." Instead, I had a visceral reaction to just get rid of that person's words so I wouldn't have to look at them. It has been my experience with those folks who are devotees of that man that no amount of "facts" will change their opinions. I mean, I haven't even talked to my sister or her family in months because she defended her "beloved Donald." 

So moving forward, I am torn between continuing to just delete those comments that are from people who drank the kool-aid because I know there is no way to bring them out of their delusional state or to leave them there and use one of the phrases above in response. What would you do? 


  1. Hi, Janet!

    While I admire you tremendously for choosing this topic, I do not envy you. As you are already discovering, the lost souls of MAGA World love nothing better than to spend all day every day confronting and debating this country's true patriots - the actual defenders of freedom and democracy. There is no reasoning with them. Don't confuse them with facts. They make their own alternate set of facts to justify and advance their agenda. Like the god king they worship, they will never admit they are wrong or that they made a mistake. They can never be wrong, and "sorry" is for suckers and losers. And so, they double down and triple down, hoping to tire us out and wear us down as they sing the praises of their beloved dictator. Deciding how to deal with the nastygrams that are likely to come as you work your way through the April Challenge is a difficult decision, and one that only you can make. One thing is for sure. I will be here to help and support you as together we speak truth to power and join other good citizens from sea to shining sea in mounting a fierce resistance to this utter insanity.

    1. Thanks my friend. I think what got me was the way they said they "disapprove" of my theme. What gives them the right to approve or disapprove of what I want to say? In any event, I'm not giving up and I appreciate your support! Have a wonderful week buddy.

  2. What a tricky dilemma. I think just deleting this type of comment might open you up to follow up comments that might be more offensive. I would probably respond in a way that you suggested but you might want to also make it clear that whilst comments politely expressing a different opinion are fine, abusive comments will be deleted. (where the note is by the comment box below.) But whatever you decide this is your blog, your challenge, your rules. Maybe add a note in the introduction of your post about keeping comments respectful too? Good luck. You're probably going to need a thick skin :(

    1. Yes Wendy, I decided that once the actual challenge starts I will add a disclaimer paragraph regarding comments. Thanks for your support.


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