Democracy A to Z is my theme for this year's challenge. I am strongly in favor of keeping the United States a democracy. I do also happen to be a Democrat but if there was a Republican who actually made some sense or had a good idea about something...LOL who am I kidding.
When I was talking to Tamara from Part-Time Working Hockey Mom she asked me if I was going to do the A to Z this year and I told her I wanted to but wasn't sure about a topic yet. She suggested that I discuss elections and Presidents and Presidents who deserved the title. At first I was hesitant to discuss politics and honestly I'm just so upset with the way the last election turned out and the terrible things that are going on in our country that I just wasn't feeling it. Then I remembered Speaker Jeffries' speech and figured I could use that to get my basis for the challenge.
In 2023 Minority Speaker of the House Hakeem Jeffries gave a speech to the new 118th congress. In it he recited the ideals of the Democratic Party using the alphabet. In case you missed it, have a listen:
It gives me chills. I guess you can figure out what my actual letters will be by listening to the speech, but hopefully I can put a bit more context behind each pairing.
If you are doing the A to Z this year, let me know! I am loving the bright graphics this year.