I certainly haven’t had done much writing here this month. Not that I haven’t had anything to say, just that I’ve been busy getting my mother-in-law settled in her new house next door. It has been a pretty smooth transition I must say, although we’re not quite done yet. Most of her things are unpacked and in their proper spots. We’ve gone to several doctors visits and had lab work and hearing tests. At 97, I want to make sure we have all the most up to date info about her health that we can get. Today we went to the library and got her registered there and went and I took her to have her hair done. The last time she had it cut they did a chop chop job that she wasn’t happy with.
In the last few days I have actually had a bit more time to myself. I was able to make my vision cards for this year and now I will write on the backs of them to help identify the areas I want to concentrate on for each theme. I kept the main themes the same this year, our house, our finances, connections, travel and adventure, my crafty life and my healthy life.
Hopefully I’ll be able to write more now that MIL is pretty settled. I go and check in on her twice a day at least and make sure she is eating and has taken her meds. We have a baby monitor set up so that we can hear but not see her (didn’t want to be too invasive). We know the system works because the other day she was cooking something and didn’t turn the fan on over the stove which caused the smoke alarm to go off. My husband and I were over there in a flash to see what was happening. We put a little mark by the button for the fan so that shouldn’t happen again. We also had an unexpected blackout in the neighborhood and we went to light candles and give her a flashlights. I had to help her get out of her motorized lounge chair because it was stuck in the lounge position – LOL. It certainly is easier taking care of things like that when she is right next door as opposed to getting calls from her crying when she is in Oregon and we are here in CA.
Write was our final prompt in Linda’s Just Jot January challenge. I’ve enjoyed reading everyone else’s contributions. Let’s see what February brings!
from WordPress https://scr4pl80.com/2023/01/31/just-jot-january-2023-5/