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Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Nebulous November

Well here it is the day before Thanksgiving and while I truly do have a lot to be grateful for, honestly I’m just in too much of a fog to think of them all. Let me explain.

The last post in October was about the crafty things I had been working on. We also went to our final concert of the year, Scorpions. They always put on a great show and did not disappoint this year either, kind of. There are so many songs of theirs that we like but they just had a new album out and played some of the new stuff that we didn’t know. Good, but not spectacular. Lots of lights and special effects which was fun to see.

Immediately after the show we had to fly back up to Oregon to check on my husband’s mom. She, herself, was fine but she wanted us to look into progress of the house she had for sale. That was fine too, thankfully, and we managed to get some things done for her in her new apartment and take her out to lunch one day, dinner the next and to the grocery store for her to get some things she wanted. We stayed in a really nice hotel and will probably stay there again any time we go to see her in the future.

Once we got home I had another pop-up craft fair and that turned out well.

November started out fun. I was able to get away for a much needed scrapbook retreat with my BFF and worked on my concert album for two days straight.

Our health plan offers some free benefits to seniors and one of them is a gym membership so our youngest daughter and I started going to the gym at 5:30 in the morning. She wanted to go before she goes to work and since I have no set time schedule, it worked for me too. I was actually enjoying getting up early and then starting my day. We were getting into a pretty good rhythm.

And.then.Covid. Last Thursday I started feeling a tickle in my throat and coincidentally my daughter sent me a text from work saying that she had a scratch in her throat. I took a home test and it was immediately positive. Our son had been coughing for a few days and he took one as well, positive too. My daughter and husband at first were negative but by Saturday we all had it. Fortunately we have all been immunized and boosted so while we were all feeling pretty lousy, I think that we could have been worse.

As I do, I’m trying to find the silver linings in all this. One is that we all got it at once so it will sweep through the house and we should be done with it rather than having it drag on and on. I did take two or three days where I didn’t do much besides stay in bed and read, something I rarely give myself permission to do. Now that I am feeling a little stronger, I can still work since I do it from home anyway and my clients have been very understanding that things are taking just a bit longer.

I am most bummed because I did have to miss the local library book sale where you fill up a grocery bag of books for $10 and the first of my holiday boutiques. Fortunately I am getting the space fee back for that and truthfully I don’t need any more books at the moment.

Turns out Safeway makes completely cooked turkey dinners so I’m going today to pick up ours that way I don’t have to cook. We will miss our older daughter because obviously we don’t want her to get it too but we will survive one holiday apart. It was going to be a strange one anyway since my mom is gone and she usually spends Thanksgiving and Christmas with us.

I do have a big show on Saturday and one more on December 11th. Of course I’m not as prepared as I’d like to be but having this down time has also given me a chance to think and plan for next year so I can get a little ahead for these unexpected changes in life. Also, very happy to report that I did make my 1000 followers on TikTok and my shop link is now live there! And, we are going to see “Ain’t Too Proud,” the play about the Temptations next week so I have something to look forward to so while my head may still be a bit cloudy now, I think I can see the sun breaking through.

Wishing everyone who celebrates it a very Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy your family and friends. I am grateful for you all!

from WordPress


  1. Hi, Janet!

    I've been thinking about you and your family ever since you told me that you all tested positive for COVID. It makes me sad knowing that such a nice person and such a great and dear friend, is laid low. As you pointed out in the text, there are silver linings and many things for which to be thankful. You all caught the nasty bug at the same time rather than sequentially which would possibly have dragged out the ordeal through the rest of the holidays. You were up to date on the vaccine, which no doubt spared you from a more serious case of the virus. You were able to get much done before you took ill, including helping Bill's mom again. Mercifully, she has not taken ill. You also had time to rest, read, think and plan - things you normally don't allow yourself time to do. I hope you feel well enough to participate in this weekend's big show and to go see the play about the Temptations.

    As I told you on my site, I have been "poorly" too. I started feeling weak and shivery on the 20th, the night of my birthday. I developed a fever and spent the whole night shaking like a leaf under many layers of blankets. I simply couldn't get warm. In the days since, I have gone from shivering and shaking and constantly wearing a jacket indoors to roasting and needing to peel the layers off again. I am feeling a little better at this hour.

    It's funny to see aging rockers still sporting their long hair. Bless you for helping your mother-in-law so many times in recent months. I know you miss your own mom. I think about her often. I hope you enjoy your Safeway feast tomorrow. I'll be thinking about you and wishing you well. Happy Thanksgiving, dear friend Janet!

    1. My dear Shady: First let me say I'm sorry about the huge pictures. As soon as I posted this I left to run my errands and it always takes a while for the simulcast to happen from WP to here so I couldn't change the size.

      Second, I am sorry that you, too, are under the weather. I hope that yours is just a regular virus and not something more serious. Sad that it happened on your birthday as well. Interestingly, you and our youngest share the 20th of November as birthdays. She was 26 and had to give up going away to see Joshua Tree National Park with her girlfriends. She was quite upset about that.

      Yes, I am actually jealous of those long haired folks as mine is getting thinner and thinner. The turkey we got looks quite nice and with just a little reheating I think we can salvage Thanksgiving this year. Thanks again for stopping by, especially when you are not feeling in tip top shape!

    2. Hi, Janet!

      I want you to know that I am still thinking about you and hoping you are gaining strength, getting back up on your feet, into your craft room and out to your shows. My buddy Benny needs his mommy!

      I also wanted you to know that I discovered just now that one of your comments was removed by the Blogger gremlins at some point. It was the comment you left on my October 20 post about All Saints. I found it in the spam bin and republished it. I hope it stays put this time.

      Please get well, dear friend Janet!

    3. Thanks so much for thinking of me and rescuing my comment. Those Blogger gremlins are so odd. I did manage my show yesterday and did rather well but today I am drained and will be spending some time in the studio putting things away but that's about it. I'm off now to see if you have something new for me to listen to/read!

  2. Sorry to hear this Janet - hope you and your family are all soon fully recovered and that you managed to enjoy Thanksgiving. Hope you can take it easy as you recover.

    1. Thanks Wendy! We are on the mend and still lots to be thankful for.

  3. Fantastic looking concert! #jealous
    Hope your IWSG day is inspiring.
    “The only limit to your success is your own imagination” – Shondra Rhimes
    I wish you a merry holiday ⛄ season, and a New Year full of peace, joy, and creativity.
    I keep hearing about so many people getting Covid lately. Fully vaxxed people yet. It sucks. Haven't I lost enough people to this virus? Uggh. I hope you're doing better.
    I love library sales with the "fill a bag" sales.

    1. Thanks Lenni. I love that quote. Happy Holidays to you and yours too. Looking forward to the A to Z. I think I have my theme already! We are recovered and back to normal. Thanks for stopping by. Always enjoy your visits!


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