Typically it takes a few days to get back to the blog habit after the A to Z is over. I have to catch up with all the other projects I have that I let slide during the month. I REALLY have to prepare better next year because I end up missing the opportunity to make Mother’s Day things to sell in the Etsy shop. This year I only had time to make some cards and a couple of the exploding boxes.
I also had to get ready for another pop-up craft show which happened on May 7. For that I made some more birthday cards as well as some other all occasion cards.
It was so windy! I couldn’t display all the cards the way I usually do because they would blow all over so I had to keep them in boxes. I didn’t make a lot of money but managed to at least make the $25 it cost for the table space and tenting plus a little more. As always though I learn things with each show and this time I got to use my new banner!
And last but not least, I have been seeing some really gorgeous skies lately. The top three pictures are all from my front porch, all on the same night in the space of about half an hour. At first was the yellow burst, then came the orange glow and finally the gray almost storm clouds. It was amazing. The last two are from the next night at my son’s softball game. I just marvel at the way God plays with his crayons and paints, don’t you?
And now it’s time to start work on Father’s Day things. I have a couple of boxes and some cards in the works and they’ll be in the shop soon. What have you been up to?
from WordPress https://scr4pl80.com/2022/05/12/may-you-smile-2022/
Usually I have this reflection post all ready to go and all the links done by the time April is over. Not so much this year. I really am grateful that the reason I’m a little behind schedule is because I have had a lot of transcription work. Since that’s what pays the bills, it gets priority!
If you are just visiting for the first time, my theme this year was the A to Z of Dating. I have been married for almost 38 years (May 20th) and I know it is important to keep the fun in our relationship even with having kids, a house, working, etc. I thought it might be fun to relive some of our dates and look for some new ones. Here is what I came up with:
I want thank our hosts for the terrific job they did as usual. Arlee Bird, our founding father, John Holton,J Lenni Dorner and the rest of the gang, I salute you. Anjela Curtis came up with our new graphics after the sad passing of Jeremy Hawkins.
I am sorry to say that I wasn’t able to visit as many new folks as I would have liked. It seems to be a theme with others this year too. I know I only had a few new visitors to my site as well. I am truly grateful for all the comments I did get and I am going to do my best to get around to seeing what I missed in the weeks to come. I hope that folks found some new or remembered some old dating ideas. I know I had a great time looking through our old photos to get examples and I’ve made my own list of things I want to do and places I want to go.
Okay, that’s a wrap for the A to Z for this year. I wear my winners badge with pride.
from WordPress https://scr4pl80.com/2022/05/05/a-to-z-reflection-2022/