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Monday, March 28, 2022

Muddling Through March – 2022 Lesson Learned

So we learned something new today about the meaning of “unattached” media files. I was going through my photos on WP trying to save some space by using previously uploaded pictures in my upcoming A to Z draft posts. I noticed there were occasionally some duplicate photos and since I just had to pay for more space, I thought that if I deleted some of the duplicates it would help. But how to know which ones are actually duplicates and which ones are attached to a post?

Well, there’s a drop down menu that says,”unattached” so I thought, great. I’ll delete the unattached ones. Sadly, according to WP, unattached doesn’t necessarily mean they are not attached to a post, it means they were uploaded directly to the post not through the media file :(. Which means that some of my posts now don’t have pictures in them anymore. Fortunately, most of them were from 2020 and earlier so I’ll just have to be careful if I am linking to a prior post that I double check it to make sure it is complete. Uggg. Anybody else learn a valuable lesson today?

from WordPress


  1. Hi, Janet!

    That's a shame, dear friend. It must be vexing to think you know the meaning of a term and find out you were incorrect and it caused you to mess up some of your old posts. They should explain precisely what such terms mean. The problem I have in operating a music-based blog, is that many embedded videos have disappeared from older posts, removed by YouTube over copyright violations or by the original uploader. The problem is so bad that I feel lucky if the 7 videos in a current post remain intact throughout it's 5, 6 or 7 day run on the front page. I could literally spend all day every day checking on videos in hundreds of posts and replacing those that are missing. I don't even try because I simply don't have time.

    I hope you are tingling with excitement as the A to Z fast approaches. Enjoy the rest of your week, dear friend Janet!

    1. Hey Shady, yes, that must be frustrating for you too because you definitely have no control if someone else removes the content. Your insight about not worrying over it is just what I decided to do. It will only be a problem if I link from a current post to an old post and I'll just have to remember to check that. Yep, A to Z is in 3 days. I better get cracking on at least A and B!

  2. Thanks for sharing that! I didn't know that would happen!

    1. Very frustrating. I'm not going to worry about it though. I'm pretty sure no one goes back to my old posts unless I point them there. LOL


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