After working from home for 17 years, it was time for me to go back into the world outside and get a job. This was not something I really would have chosen to do. I like working from home for myself, sometimes even in my pajamas, because I could. My time was my own and if I had to go to an appointment or be with my husband or kids, I could make my schedule flexible enough to do that. Unfortunately, the nature of my business changed with the advancement of technology and, while I am old enough to retire and collect Social Security, the longer I wait to do that, the more money I'll make so I talked it over with my husband and applied for a job at my favorite craft store, Michaels.
In September I posted this picture as one of my 365 pictures:
I had just had an interview with the assistant manager at one of our local Michaels Crafts Stores. I got the job and on September 17, I began working. The first few days were mostly spent on the computer getting oriented to the rules and regulations of working retail. A little time was spent watching the cashiers but by the third day I was assigned a cash register and left on my own.
Not totally alone because there is usually more than one cashier and I have a headset on so I can ask questions and everyone is very patient and informative. Most of the transactions are simple sales but there are returns and occasionally someone will bring an item up that has no price on it and I have to call for a price check. I try to be as quick and efficient as I can because sometimes the line winds around the store!
Michaels has always been one of my favorite places to shop and they have really good deals. In addition, I get an employee discount! I made a promise to myself not to shop until I had earned two paychecks. I got my second one last week so look out!
We have soda and snack machines in the break room and I even have my own locker. I had to keep the combination written on a piece of paper (along with all my other passwords and employee number) because I couldn't remember everything. It is getting easier now.
On the bulletin board in the back of the break room there is a place for encouraging and supportive notes from managers and coworkers. I got one for helping with a slime event!
I am used to looking for coupons and I saw one the other day on the floor at Safeway. I recognized it immediately as one of the coveted "entire purchase" discounts!
My kids told me that working in retail was going to be difficult and that people were going to yell at me. I have had a few less than pleasant customers but I find that if I start them out with a smile and a friendly greeting, things usually go smoothly. If I can offer them some kind of discount, that works well to shift the tone too!
I did notice that I am a little tired when I get home and I am having to pay more attention to what day it is and what time it is so I get all my transcription work done before I go to the store to work there. They have already asked me a couple of times if I could stay longer than I was scheduled and of course I said yes. Technically I am a seasonal hire and they could let me go in January after the holidays end but I am hoping that I am doing a good enough job that they will want to keep me around for a while.
How about you? Ever switched careers? Worked in retail? Pay attention to the name tag on the cashier? Shop at Michaels? Love to hear about it.