#55 - Fixing the wire. It only took four days for them to come and repair the wire that was falling down (see Picture #50 when we called the fire department). Took him all of 10 minutes maybe. Our excitement for the day!
#56 - If you've been following along (and I hope you have) you know that I am trying my darndest to lose some weight this year. To that end, I am not eating things like candy and cake for the most part. Unfortunately my husband still likes to eat those things and I don't blame him but when he made a cake earlier this month, I told myself I wasn't going to eat any. So that I wasn't tempted, I put it in a container on the counter. I forgot it was there and so did the hubs. This is the science experiment that came out of it:
#57 - We shop at Safeway usually for our groceries. Monopoly is back. On my last shopping trip I got 30 little packs of tickets. Since the kids are out of the house, I only go grocery shopping about once every two weeks so this last trip (where I saw the creepy guy in picture #54) I spent about $200. I wasn't even concentrating on products that give Monopoly tickets!
#58 - I've been journaling at night and sometimes the cat comes by to make sure I do. Generally she won't have anything to do with me. She's my husband's "Puppy" because she follows him around all the time. Every once in a while she'll spend the night at the foot of our bed but most of the time I'm just in her way.
#59 - The final picture for February is this bottle of shampoo. I found myself with some questions regarding the wording on the front. It says "Up to 100 uses." Does that mean if I use it 102 or 103 times I'm doing something wrong? Does it mean it's good for up to 100 things besides shampooing my hair? And does the word raplapla mean flat in some other language? If so, could I say "I have a raplapla tire?" I kind of like raplapla better than flat don't you? Just some random things I think about when I'm taking a shower.
How about you? Think of anything profound in the shower lately? Working on any year long projects? Love to hear about it. Get ready for March! We've got a lot going on!